The Associação Internacional de Paremiologia / International Association of Paremiology (AIP-IAP) is a non-profit cultural organization based in Tavira (Algarve, Portugal), and dedicated to the scientific study of proverbs.

As the only association of its kind worldwide it seeks, among other purposes:
- to encourage international cooperation in paremiology and related scientific areas;
- to establish programs of educational activities with public officials and the private sector;
- to encourage young researchers in protecting intangible cultural heritage;
- to organize conferences of national and international paremiology;
- to promote studies in paremiology (study of proverbs).
Information about the Bodies, the Statutes, how to join the Association (AIP-IAP), as well as the activities undertaken since its foundation, can be found at Because of their international importance we highlight the achievement of the Interdisciplinary Colloquia on Proverbs (ICPs) –
The quality and quantity of public interventions of the AIP-IAP, as well as the published works, are well known and recognized by experts in the proverbial thematic, especially for Paremiologists and Phraseologists of world worthy. This dynamism in the collection, preservation and dissemination of intangible cultural heritage, has led the City Council of Tavira (CMT) and the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) to support the initiatives of the AIP-IAP.
Other cultural organizations have been collaborating with the AIP-IAP such as the Cultural Centre in Lisbon, the Ministry of Culture-Regional Delegation of the Algarve and UNESCO, which honored us with its Honorary Patronage granted.
Visit our International Page.